So... I thought i'd try qualifying for the virtual U.S. Open at congressional. If you Win the virtual U.S. open. You could win two tickets to the actual U.S. Open. So, what the hell, right? I'll give it a shot. First tee, from the tips. Set my shot line. deep breath, Time to let the big dog eat. Start back swing, full power, start follow through... i can do this... i can... do... this. Moment of truth... contact. I, will have you know, Ladies and Gents..... I pushed that thing SO FAR INTO THE RIGHT TREES.... that When it went to my ball for my second shot.... Bilbo Baggins, from the hobbit, pops out of a hole in the tree to my right. wearing a wife beater stained with the brown liquor of his choice, and cigarette hanging off his bottom lip. Looks at me, and screams.... HEY! YOU!... GET THE HELL OFF MY LAWN!! It dawned on me in that moment.... perhaps, U.S. Open qualifiers aren't for me.
Practice Rounds. Ladies Tees.
You're welcome.