Sunday, June 19, 2016

Fathers day: Our fathers the fishermen

Fathers Day: I believe a mans highest calling this side of heaven is the God given duty and privilege, of Not just being a father, But a Dad. As a child i watched my own father, And As a young kid it never occurred to me that my physical limitations would keep me from my own dream of being a Dad. It's something i dreamed of quite often. And, what many don't know is that the thought of living without being a Dad or even finding love is something that grows harder and harder for me to cope with as i close the door on my 20's. That being said, I believe we all have a responsibility to lead by example for the younger generations. I can do that every time God blesses me with a new day. I wouldn't be able to do that without first My heavenly father Lord & Savior Jesus Christ. Second My own father who is the earthly definition of sacrificial love, devotion & A true fisher of men, including myself. In some men's heart burns a more devoted flame. one of whom is My father.
So to all those who are Not just a father, But step up everyday to lead and be a Dad, My undying respect & admiration is forever yours. Happy Fathers Day.

“To a child love is spelled T-I-M-E.”― Zig Ziglar

Father and Son from William J. Meyer on Vimeo.

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