After a long few nights, I woke this morning with this verse repeating n my mind. It was a peaceful way to wake, Especially on a Monday. I got a call from a sweet friend yesterday, That was a lovely gift. And the happiest i've felt in a while. To this person, Thank you. I don't get to invest time into friends that would like too due to the circumstances in my life, Few of i can control. I love you all. My closest friends, The Landmarks of my life's Journey. You're spread apart by the passing of time, few of you know each other, you all hold a few things in common. This side of Eternity, You are my best treatment plan. It's not the therapies some of you provide (those help and are greatly appreciated) it's your time and your friendship. it's the smile you brought to my face, the random burst of laughter you've brought to my voice. It's waiting the crazy smile before you take the picture. (because you know it's there. ) it's dinners.and prayers. It's embarrassing me in a hug in a hug after 18 years, It's spending your day helping retrieve the meds i had forgotten. it's being a reflection & demonstration Of the relationship God seeks and the love he holds for his creation.
I have a very long week ahead. I'm going to do something. And i want those who read this to join me.
One thing to remember and one to ask. -- #1 He made me & chose me for this. For Right now. #2 Ask before speaking -- What is the meditation of my heart? is it pleasing to my creator who chose me for this moment.
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