Friday, August 2, 2013

C.P.: headaches and Days like these.

Add in tension in my neck, ringing in my ears and random coming and going of pain...  this is the "headache"  since spring of  2008 and today hit me at 5:30 am this morning and hasn't let up.  most of the time these days with my head when the other muscle are not... some days  both at once.

Saw the following on a message board discussion on migraines. 

"Used to be that i would get a weird sensation of numbness in the top or sides of my head. For about the last two weeks i have had a full tingly sensation that spreads from around my ear to half way up my scalp and on the upper jaw and cheek. When i used to get the numbness i would self adjust my neck and it would go away. This sensation comes and goes several times a day. It does not seem to be triggered by anything.  Some times i can feel movement and even notice that the movement moves the classes on my face. today i can feel what seems to be my heart beat in the side of my face. My face almost feels like the sensation that you get when you go to get your wisdom teeth out and they stick you with that medicine."

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